Americans Have No Health Care
Do you think you know what health is? Most people do. And there in lys the problem. Most people have no idea what health is. In fact, what they think they do know, is completely wrong. I can prove it.
If you ask people do you know what health is? And ask as many people as you want. What would they say? Yes, of course they do. Do you think you know what health is? Most people do. Can you think of anyone who would actually answer no? Maybe some kids might, but everyone else will tell you they know what health is.
Now, if almost everyone knows what health is, how come so many people are still searching for health? How come so many people are still not healthy? How come the medical profession still is unable to help so many people? How come there are almost no cures, to any of the diseases that the doctors say are terminal? How come people are still dying left and right from disease. In fact, over 1 million people die each year from heart disease and cancer alone. Over 2 million Americans die every year from this huge misunderstanding of what health actually is. This costs the US Trillions of dollars Every Year.
Maybe why so many people are still dying from disease, why so many people are still searching for health, why so many people are still not healthy, is because we really know nothing about what health is? Everyone thinks they know what health is, they make assumptions about what health is, but yet, I say, NO ONE really knows anything about health.
It is this gross and blatant misunderstanding of what health really is that is causing the health care crisis in America. What you think you know about health, is really not health. What you think you know about health is actually Symptoms and Disease care.
Discover how everything you thought you knew about health, is completely and totally, not true. And completely useless. In light of what I am going to share with you now.
Everyone has been trying to solve the health care crisis. By improving on it, making it better, or doing it a little differently. Control spending, government regulations, and just about everything else has been thought of for a viable solution to the health care crisis.
Have you ever heard the expression like water to a fish? There is something that has never been thought of, until now. That maybe the idea of health and how to get it is wrong. Everyone thinks they know what health is, but yet we still have a health care crisis. Maybe the problem is that which most everyone thinks to be true.
The actual system itself is flawed. The system of diagnosing and treating symptoms and disease. That is like the water to the fish. The method or approach to health care has been diagnosing and treating the symptoms and disease for so long, no one has ever considered something different. That treating Symptoms and Disease, no matter how you do it, does not leave you with health. That health is not the absence of symptoms and disease.
People have been questioning the application of the medical symptom and disease care system for years, but never the approach. The approach being to treat symptoms and disease. The application of drugs and surgery has been questioned. Even new things tried, but yet people are still trying to treat the symptoms and disease.
Chiropractors, acupuncturists, homeopaths, and just about everyone else in the natural health care field has been doing the exact same thing. They have been diagnosing and treating symptoms and disease. The natural health care field has just been treating symptoms and disease with less harmful methods. But they are still treating symptoms and disease.
It has been right there in front of our face this whole time.
The very idea of treating symptoms and disease is faulty. The idea of treating symptoms and disease is what is causing the health care crisis. Because eliminating symptoms and disease does not leave you with health.
This is one of the many fundamental flaws that was incorrectly assumed in the beginning of the Medical Symptoms and Disease Care movement in America. Symptoms and disease are the thing to be treated and dealt with. And if you eliminate the symptoms and disease, you are left with health. This isn't what health is or how it works.
Nature works on a principle of thing and no thing. Darkness is the absence of light. Silence is the absence of sound. Cold in the absence of heat. This principle is everywhere in nature. But in the early 1900's, it was falsely assumed that health is the absence of symptoms and disease. And even though most people now know the absence of symptoms and disease does not leave you with health, people still are only focused on trying to treat symptoms and disease. This is where the crisis comes from.
Health is the thing, and the absence of health is symptoms and disease. You cannot treat darkness, vacuum it out of a room, or sweep it under the rug. The only thing you can do to get rid of darkness is turn on the light. No matter how many different ways you can measure a shadow and quantify it. The shadow is nothing more than the absence of light.
No matter how many ways you can measure and quantify symptoms and disease, it is still the absence of health. And until you add health, they symptoms and disease will never really go away.
Nothing in the medical Symptoms and disease care model adds health back into people. Most things in the natural health care world do nothing to add health back into people. Nothing.
The Solution is shifting the focus to increasing people's health. Not treating symptoms and disease. And there are many simple and easy things people can do themselves to add to their level of health. This solution if applied will transform health care on all levels. Starting from the people and the doctors all the way up to the organizational level.
And this solution is an easy one. Adding to your health is almost entirely free. And once you know that health is the thing to be added to, is easy as well. You know health has to be something easy. Mother nature has been fine for millions of years and there must be something simple we are overlooking. There is.
My book, The Creators Manual For Your Body, is an answer.