One of my favorite quotes from Einstein.
You cannot solve the problem from the same level of thinking that created it.
Said another way
You created the current problems in your life with your level of thinking. Your current level of thinking cannot solve your problems in your life.
So if you have stress, your thinking created it. Therefore your thinking cannot solve it. You must find some outside thinking to help or some way to change your thinking to something different, so you can solve it.
That is exactly what the stress workshop DVD does. And now it is no longer a matter of not being able to, or not having simple things to handle stress, but simply taking small, easy action steps to manage the stress.
You will get the DVD, Power Point Slides, and action steps.
It is about 80 minutes long.
And when you are done watching the DVD, you will know the exact simple action steps to simply and easily reduce your stress levels.
Want to purchase the DVD? I can sell it for $25 including Free shipping& Handling in the US only .
Outside the US and want the DVD?
$35 including free global mail priority shipping and free handling.

PS. Interested in having the stress management workshop live at your workplace, group or organization?
If you are in Dallas, North Dakota, Hawaii, Denver or the Boulder area, or any place that has a warm sunny beach, send me an email and we may be able to set something up.
P.P.S. Just like everything I sell, I guarantee it for life. If you don’t like the Stress DVD or don’t think it will greatly reduce your stress, or you don’t think the steps will be easy to implement, or for any other reason, I will give you a full refund. Simple as that. |